

We are in need of the generous support of Sponsors who can assist us with our fundraising by donating towards the purchase of much-needed items of equipment for our chosen charity organization.

You can assist with our fundraising by donating towards the cost of purchasing any of the equipment. Any amount, no matter how small, will be gratefully received. With the generosity and continuing support of our Sponsors, the valuable work of these organizations can continue with the maximum effectiveness. Please contact Dr. Joanna Tait or Dr. Anne Spooner for more detailed information about the equipment the WANTZ Committee is fundraising for and how your support can help. Their contact details are on the 'CONTACT' page.

Each year the culmination of our fundrasing is a spectacular dinner at Customs House Long Room. We are entertained by wonderful performances by talented artists, all accompanied by fine food and wine, together with marvellous auctions and raffle prizes.

Our prestigious audience include members from Brisbane's medical, legal, business, government and banking communities...a marvellous marketing opportunity for our Sponsors. This amazing evening is to spoil and pamper our wonderful Sponsors who are acknowledged in any publicity sought for the event, as well as their logos printed on all the invitations and the menus, and who are warmly publicly thanked on the night.

After the equipment has been obtained, the WANTZ Committee and its chosen charity will host an afternoon tea to enable our very generous Sponsors to see what equipment each has enabled us to buy, and see how that will make such a difference. This also provides us with an opportunity for further publicity for each Sponsor.


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